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19 Principles Of Becoming a Vessel Unto Honour

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. 2 Timothy 2:20-21.

Everyone will be used by God in one way or the other, is left to you which way you want to be use. You have a role to play if you’re going to be used as a vessel. The question is, are you ready to be used by God to become vessel unto honour.

1. Be Born Again

The very first thing you must do to purge yourself into vessel unto honour is to be born again. Anyone who wants to be a mighty vessel in God’s hand must be born again. You must first be sure of your salvation, before other things can follow.

You cannot be a vessel unto honour until you are born again.

2. Stay Away From Sin

You must stay away from all appearances of sin if you know you want to meet the master’s standard. Sin opens a big gap between God and man. After your salvation, you must stay away and forsake all your sins.

3. Flee Youthful Lust

Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22

One of the key of meeting the master’s standard is by fleeing from youthful lust. No distractions, no partying, no clubbing etc. don’t entertain room for lust so that you won’t get lost.

4. Deactivate The Works Of The Flesh

Another key to purge yourself to be vessel unto honour is to kill the works of the flesh.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21.

5. Activate The Fruit Of The Spirit

The fruit of the spirit must be totally finds expression if you really want to be a vessel unto honour.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23.

6. Set Your Heart On The Things Of God

Many great and mighty vessels in the bible were always panting after God; their heart was set on him only. Moses, Noah, Abraham, Esther, Daniel, David, Solomon, Elijah, Ezekiel, Peter, Paul etc. They could not trade anything for the presence of God. Set your mind on spiritual things.

7. Live a Life Of Sanctification

For you to be a vessel unto honour, you must be sanctified and filled with the power of Holy Spirit. Holiness and purification must be your lifestyle.

Sanctification will not only help you to live a holy life but will also prevent you from doing what’s wrong and helps you always do what’s right. Take David for instance; when all his brothers were made to go through the sanctification process, David came already sanctified and the priest anointed him immediately as he arrived.

Joseph also had the opportunity to commit immorality with his master’s wife, but the spirit of sanctification made him victorious. Mary the mother of Jesus is another vessel who was already sanctified before an angel visited her and the power of the Holy Spirit fell upon her mightily.

8. Live a Purpose Driven Life

Another key is to live a life of purpose. You must know what you are living for. Don’t just go any direction like a first time traveller who doesn’t have a map of where he’s going.

Living as though you are not important to your world is a sign that you’re wasting your time in life. Live a purpose driven life and no one can ever stop you in life unless you choose to stop yourself.

Life without a purpose equals time without meaning. Life without a purpose equals the wastage of potentials and opportunity. Life without a purpose is a purposeless life.

9. Have a Vision

The mirror that shows the body is different from the one that shows the soul. Having a vision is another master key of meeting the master’s standard.

A man without a vision is a man without a passion. Have a vision and a clear direction of where you are going. If you don’t know where you are going, anywhere is as good your destination.

Men of vision escape confusion.

10. Discover Your Area Of Specialization

You don’t know what you can do until you start doing them.

Discovering your area of specialization is another key if  you must purge yourself to be a vessel unto honour. Joseph discovered early that he can interpret dreams, that was what made him to be the first prime minister today. David was a skillful man, he was a warrior at his youth, and he singled handedly defeated the oppositions of Israelite.

No man has ever been born without a special talents deposited in him or her. Discover them and use it for the master’s purpose.

It is action that connects dreams to fulfillment and transforms vision to possession.

11. Do What You Know And Love To Do Best

Another key is doing what you love and what you know how to do best. The things you are so passionate about. Keep doing it and let God see you doing something so that he can bless the work of your hand.

If you don’t love what you are doing, there is no point in doing them. Peter was a professional fisherman before Jesus called him to fish for men. So likewise other disciples of Jesus Christ as well, they were not lazy, they all love what they were doing before Jesus called them to be a vessel unto honour.

A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. Proverbs 18:16

12. Have An Excellent And Fighting Spirit.

Daniel has an excellent and a fighting spirit, which was what, distinguished and differentiated him from his brethren. Also Shadrach Meshach and Abednego never gave up, despite the threats of their king, they still never give in to his words, and you all know what happens at the end.

13. Be Courageous

Another thing is that you must be courageous. Of course discouragement will come, oppositions will always find their way in, but refuse to listen to the noise of the opposition rather pay attention to the voice of your defender.

To be courageous does not means that there’s no fear, but despite the fear, you still went ahead to do what you are supposed to do or achieve.

Life will present many opportunities, but it will take self-confidence, courage, and perseverance, to make those opportunities a reality.

14. Accept Responsibility

You must accept responsibility for your actions. Never run away from them, running away from your responsibility is like running away from your fear. You are to face it, you are to fight it at all cost. Any vessel unto honour must always stand on his word and stand by his actions.

15. Stay Focus

Staying focus is another key if you really want to purge yourself to be a vessel unto honour. Avoid all necessary and unnecessary distractions. Be committed, be dedicated and be determined. Only determined people succeed.When you move with the focus, you too will be focused.

16. Self-Discipline

Anyone who wants to be a mighty vessel unto honour must be self-disciplined. Self-discipline is simply doing what is right whether it’s convenient or not.

You must be self-disciplined; you must also separate yourself from anything or anybody that won’t add value to your life.When you move with those who are purposeful, you will be purposeful.

17. Fellowship With God.

The knowledge of God is life’s greatest asset. The more you know God, the More you’ll discover yourself. If you are very far from God you can never know his divine plan and purpose for your life. The nearer you draw near to him the more you’ll know his plan for your life.

Here are four secrets to fellowship with God:

  1. Pray
  2. Fast
  3. Study the word
  4. Be in his presence always, in worship, in praise, quiet time and always be in his gathering. The more of the word of God you absorbs in your heart, the more of the revelation you will have.

18. Have The Fear Of God

Anyone who wants to be a vessel unto honour must have the fear of God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The true fear of God arises from a dependence on God and a confidence in his faithfulness.

To obtain anything by falsehood may look cheap and sweet, but: the end result is always disastrous. Let the fear be in you and do everything with the fear of God not in the fear of man.

God’s mercy abounds to those who fear him, to make them men and woman of substance in life.

19. Kill Procrastination

Procrastination is a killer. And it must be dealt with seriously and failure to deal with it is very dangerous. Whatever you ought to do, do it now, don’t wait till the last minute before you do it.

Time waits for nobody. The same seconds that makes one minute, makes an hour, makes a day, makes a week, makes a month, makes a year, makes a decade, makes a score, makes a century and even makes a millennium. My friend, time waits for nobody.

The best time to start anything never arrives; the best time to start is now.

Beloved, if you must impact your generation, you must ready to make sacrifices, be diligent and be humble; you must come to the point where you have nothing to boast and brag about except your dependence on God.

Here are 19 point agenda if you really want to purge yourself and be a vessel unto honour. Work on them and you are on your way to meeting the master’s standard.

May your life remain a life to be celebrated in Jesus name, Amen. God Bless You And Remain Forever Blessed.

If you know you are not born again or you once backslide and you want to reconnect back with your maker for him to make you a vessel unto honour. You can do that now by simply confessing and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Please pray this prayer with me in faith and say:

“Lord Jesus, I know I’m a sinner, I surrender all to you, I dedicate my life to you, I believe that you died for my sin and I confess with my mouth that you are the son of God, come in to my life now and be my savior, I will no longer live a life of sin again, from now on, I will live to please you, please wash away my sins with your precious blood. I receive the gift of eternal life. Thank you for saving me I ‘m no longer a sinner, I ‘m now born again in Jesus name Amen”.

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