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For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD , thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11.

In life, there are those who endure God and there are those who enjoy God. Those who endure God don’t like His dealings, they don’t like His Words, they don’t like His presence, they just want His blessings and that’s all.

If you must enjoy God, you must open the door of your heart to Him and joyfully welcome Him. You must enjoy everything about Him. You must enjoy His plans and purpose for your life because He makes all things works together for good.

In this post, we’ll be looking at 8 keys to enjoying God, to enable you align to His Will, Plan and Purpose for your life.

  1. Enjoy His Words

God’s Word is powerful and ever effective. He gave us His word so that we can live a very beautiful and a victorious life. If you want enjoy God, you must love His Words and also do whatever it tells you to do.

The word of God is the only manual we have as believer if we want to live a life of beauty and dominion.

  1. Enjoy His Presence

There’s no better place to be in this world than to be in the presence of God, in the presence of God, there is fullness of Joy.

God’s presence is the most valuable asset any man should ever crave for in this lifetime. If you don’t long for His presence, the energy of the world will consume you easily and will dominate your life completely.

To keep enjoying God, you must love to be in His presence, you must love constant intimacy and fellowship with Him. You must do all you can to sustain and to also carry the atmosphere of His presence anywhere you go.

  1. Enjoy His Dealings

Kings usually get the best of everything. Our God is the King of kings. And He wants everyone who surrenders to Him to be the best. To achieve this, God passes them through a refining process and to make them the best they can ever be.

God’s dealings are not meant to break us, they are meant to make us and to enable us become a better version of ourselves.

To enjoy God, you must enjoy His dealing, you must stay there and not run away until he completes what He started.

  1. Enjoy His Love

God’s love towards us is unconditional and unlimited. There is nothing anybody can do again for Him to take back His love. He first loved us even before we were conceived in our mother’s womb. Nothing again in this world can separate us from His Love.

The fact that He prunes and refines you doesn’t meant that He doesn’t love you, He does these things to prove that He loves you and to bring out the best in you and to make you the best you can ever become.

  1. Enjoy His Will, Plans And Purpose

The only way you can find fulfillment in life and live a life of great accomplishment, is to be at the center of His Will, and to fulfill his glorious plans and purpose for your destiny.

God’s wills and plans are the best for us. Nothing can be used as the best substitutionary alternative for His will, plans and purpose for our life.

It may not make sense at the beginning because no vision speaks from the beginning, but at the end, it would all worth every bit of sacrifices that you made to align yourself to His will, plans and purpose. At the end, it will all make sense and you would love it.

  1. Enjoy The Process

God is a God of process, He make all things beautiful in its time. God’s time table is different from yours and your time table is also different from His’. His ways and thought is far higher than our ways and our thoughts.

Whenever it seems God comes late, He always comes big, that’s why you must wait on Him and enjoy the process. He doesn’t leave things half-done unless you stop the process. He always completes and perfect what He started.

A new born baby cannot start working the day very same day he was born; he must go through some stages of growth and process before he can start to walk and eventually starts running.

The same principles also applies to what God uses to build us up during this process so that we can be mature enough to be entrusted with His blessing and riches..

  1. Enjoy The Faith Walk

Faith is an ingredient that must not be found missing if you want to enjoy God always. You can’t enjoy God to the fullest if you don’t activate your faith.

Faith can be taught but it will only remain a theory if you don’t practice what you have been taught.

There is no height or levels a man cannot reach with God if he chooses to walk by faith and not by sight.

  1. Enjoy The Glory

The glory zone is the rewarding zone. This is the moment when you now begin to walk upon gold. This is the moment when you begin to command global influence, this the moment when you begin to do greater works for the kingdom, this is the moment when you begin to command great kingdom exploits. This is the moment that wherever you enter, Christ would be revealed and be glorified. This is the moment when nations will come to you; even gentiles will want to have a glimpse of His Glory in your life. This is the moment when you begin to command the attentions of kings and nobles.

Beloved, to enter this realm, there are some prices and sacrifices to be made. You must pay the price of purity, humility, and absolute obedience, because without backing up your faith with obedience you can’t please God and enjoy Him.

To enjoy God, you first come to Him, you must believe that God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. Seek God today with all your heart; accept Him as your Lord and savior, and your life will forever be a blessing to many generations.

God Bless You.

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