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And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. Luke 17:14.

 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16:20.

Miracle, signs and wonders will always accompany any act of obedience to God and His words.

If you want to see the hand of God manifesting powerfully in your life, look for His words that require an action from you and obey it, not too long, you’ll begin to see His mighty hands in your ife.

The scripture recorded that as the disciples went out for the kingdom business, and Lord confirmed their act of obedience with miracle, signs and wonders. They were all marveled and joyful because they weren’t aware of the power that was embedded into any acts of obedience.

It was also recorded that ten lepers came to Jesus for healing, and Jesus Christ gave them a simple instruction, and as they went, the were all cleansed. No prescription of drugs, no medication, just a simple act of obedience, and they were all cleansed.

Multitude of crowd also came for a crusade in the wilderness to hear Jesus, and Jesus didn’t want to send them away ordinarily because they have been at the crusade ground for three days without eating. Jesus blessed the bread and fish that belongs to a little lad and gave it to the disciples to give serve the congregation.


As the disciples were sharing the bread and fish, the miracle of divine multiplication were happening in their hands until they’ve fed five thousand men, without counting women and children who were also present at the crusade ground. They even have extra baskets of leftovers that have not been served.

Beloved, is God telling you to do something and you still finds it difficult to obey, probably because you’re thinking you don’t have enough resources or you’re looking at your weakness or incompetence, obey His words and move, and as you go, as you obey HIM, you will see His mighty hands coming through for you and bringing you to the level that will surpass your expectation.

As you go, miracles, signs and wonders will begin to happen through you because you obeyed Him.

There’s power in obedience, Connect to that power today by doing what’s expected of you.

Whatever Jesus said to one, He says to all, God bless you.

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