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Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Colossians 4:5.

Life on earth is about investments; it is only those who make deposits that can make withdrawals. What you invest your time on will determine what you will get out of it

Time is what you have to pursue vision and goals
Time is what you have to fulfill purpose
Time is what you have to make eternal deposit
Time is what you have to sow
Time is what you have to reap
Time is what you have to build family
For an unbeliever, time is what you have to repent and amend your ways
For every believer, time is what is available to  prepare for eternity.
It could go on and on.

Time must be cherished, anyone who does not value seconds cannot value minutes, anyone who does not value minutes cannot value hours, anyone who does not value hours cannot value days, anyone who does not value days cannot weeks, anyone who does not value weeks cannot value months, anyone who does not value months cannot years.

Anything lost can be recovered but any time that’s being wasted cannot be recovered. Possessions, treasures, stolen properties and many other things can be recovered but wasted time cannot be recovered.

Don’t live your life by chance, Invest quality things in your time and invest your time on quality things.

Time is very precious, anything or anyone who is wasting your time is wasting your life. When you give something or someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice.

Time is sacrificial, whatever does not build you up, develop you or makes you grow in all ramifications of life does not worth your time.

Whatever does not add value to you or to others is a waste of time.
Whatever does not widen your knowledge or the knowledge of others is waste of time.
Whatever does not add credit to your eternal bank account in heaven does not worth your time.

Those who don’t have a spare tire does not drive roughly. Anywhere you’re going that does not add value to the people or to you is a wasted time.

The best investment of time is to invest it on things that vibrate a cord in the eternal.
Invest your time on things that have eternal values and eternal rewards.

All that’s not eternal is eternally useless, nothing in this world worth living for, God is the only substance that worth living for.

Where you are trained is where you will reign. Where you are wise is where you will rise. Where you are developed is where you will dominate. So, investment in knowledge is investment in destiny; investing to know God is investing to secure your future.

What you do with your time today will determine what you will get out of it tomorrow. Secure your future today by investing your time wisely.

The perfect time to start anything never arrives, the perfect time to start is now, make this time and make it perfect. Think dominion, think Eternity. Now is the time to fly.

Stay Blessed! 

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