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Hello friends, let’s look at some few tips that will make your Bible study time very much effective, fruitful and productive.

Here are 8 Tips to have an Amazing Bible Study in Year 2024

  1. Find the Right Location and Create the Atmosphere

God is everywhere but He doesn’t operate everywhere. When it comes to studying and meditating on the word of God, location and atmosphere matters. You must find that place and create the atmosphere. Find a cool place where nobody will interrupt your meditation, relax your mind and be still.

You can play an instrumental piano worship either from your phone or any device to help you charge the atmosphere and to enhance your meditation. This can really help a lot to meditate well on the scripture. It might not work for everybody, but just try it, and if it works you would be glad you did.

Sounds are very powerful when it comes to meditation, especially when the sounds are vibrating from spirit filled instrumental worship. You will really enjoy your study and meditation.

  1. Refuse Every Form of Distraction

One of the greatest opposition that will fight your meditation is distraction. Distraction will frustrate your Bible study life and leave you with an option to quit. A little distraction will make you lose focus and concentration.

Don’t be too humble to entertain any unnecessary conversations when studying and meditating. That’s why it is advisable to find the right location and atmosphere where no man will disturb you.

You must make sure that you refused every form of distraction that might want to creep in most especially when you’re about to study or when you’re already studying.

You can put your phone in silent mode, or simply switch it to airplane mode, whichever one that suits you is fine, just make sure you’re not getting any traffic from distraction.


  1. Have Your Writing Materials Ready


Before you launch into the deep, make sure that your writing material is ready. It could be your phone notepad, iPad, tablet, pen and paper etc. Whichever is best for you, just have them ready because you will be receiving light, Revelations, wisdom words, counseling, knowledge, prophecy from the scripture.

Write them down, note them, save and keep them properly. Don’t just go into the study room without taking a notepad with you, because there are some things you will never remember again after you have left the study room.

Keep your notepad ready, because mysteries will be revealed and untraveled in the place of meditation and one of them might be enough to set a generation free.

  1. Be Excited and Expectant 

When it’s time for study, get excited and be expectant. Don’t just read the Bible just to pass time or as sleeping pills when you’re tired, read it to discover God’s will and purpose, for knowledge, revelation and light, read it to fight ignorance and to come out from captivity, it is the truth that a man knows that will set him free.

There is so much knowledge, mysteries, revelations, lights, prophecies, wisdom, counsel, etc. in the word of God. You must delight yourself in the law of God so that you can able to draw from this river that can never runs dry.

Proverbs 20:5 says that Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. There are so much to draw out from the word of God so be excited and be expectant whenever you want to begin studying.

Be sure you don’t leave your study room without catching a revelation.

  1. Focus and Disciplined 

It takes discipline to be focus; it takes discipline to be consistent. Many things will fight your focus, many things will fight your concentration but you must never give in to any of these things so that they won’t take your focus away from the word.

Apostle Peter was already enjoying his tour on the water, until he took his eyes away from the word which is Jesus, and then he began to sink. If you stay disciplined and focused on the word, you will not sink. Stay focused, be disciplined and never compromise then you will always have an amazing Bible study

  1. Consistency 

The key to have an amazing Bible study is to be consistent. Results can be predictable if you’re focus, disciplined and consistent. Also confess and speak the word consistently to yourself with pure conviction that God will bring them to pass.

If you’re not focused and consistent, you will miss the big part of the study. Practice consistency so that you can stay fresh, refreshed, rejuvenated, renewed and energetic.

You can have a goal tracker to help monitor your progress and consistency, register your presence, keep the records and make a review every week. Be faithful and honest to yourself. Remember the goal is to be consistent, make sure you are improving and getting better.

  1. Pray Before You Read and Pray After Reading 

You need to pray before reading the bible. Pray for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation because what you’re about to read is full of mysteries, if one revelation could be revealed in the scripture, it could be enough to set a generation and a whole entire nation free.

After all is set, pray to God for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation, because it’s the holy spirit that gives understanding of the word and also reveals mysteries and revelations from the word.

  1. Put Them into Practice

This is where I will drop my pen on these tips, and this is where your obedience and action to what you have learnt is required.

Until you begin to put into practice what you have discovered in the scripture, the real transformation might not be find expression. The proof that you have had an amazing time in studying and meditating on the word is by being a practical doer of the word.

Every other part requires your commitment and responsibility. It’s your responsibility to be focus, disciplined, consistent, get writing materials available, look for the right location and atmosphere, but this particular part of putting them into practice is the area where God is committed and honor His word.

When God steps in, He perfects everything and your life will reflect His glory and power, then you will make your way prosperous and have a good success.

It is not just enough to read, study, meditate and confess, the real deal is to be the man or the woman of the word until the word becomes flesh and the flesh becomes the word. The word must dwell richly and finds expression.

Beloved, until your part is played, God is not committed, so play your part well and you will have an amazing, productive, fruitful, effective Bible study time that will transform your life and that of your generation in Jesus name, Amen.

Happy Reading in Advance,

Remain Ever Blessed!

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