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Everyone Will Give Account Of His Life

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:12.

As a believer, Every other person may live their life the way they want but not you, every other person may do what they like but not you, every other person may talk how they like but not you, every other person may act they way they like but not you, because your life is guided by laws and principles, and also, you will give account of your life to God.

We must not always think that we are the general overseer of our our lives, beloved, we are not the owner of our life. The general overseer of our life is Jesus, so we must not live anyhow we like.

Every man has been given a divine template and guidance on how to live his life, so there will be no excuse, if you fail to walk in the path that God has provided for you, there will be no excuse if you fail to live or do what’s right.

It pains me so much when I see people live their life anyhow as if they owned their lives. Many will even say it’s their life and they will live it the way they want, beloved, this kind of decision is a great damage to the body, soul and spirit. That’s why every child of God who have seen the light must shine the light and also help those that are in darkness to also see the great light.

Believers, we must be careful how we live, what we do, what we say and how we treat people around us, because everything is being recorded and we’ll give account for them, not only that, We’ll also account for our body, the idle words we uttered with our mouth, how we managed resources and people, the use of gifts, talents that God gave us.

So brethren, why do you want to burn out yourself on things that doesn’t have any eternal values, why do you want to weary yourself on things that doesn’t even vibrate a single chord in the eternal? It’s vain to be pursuing anything that God and His words have not endorsed, it’s futile to be wasting precious time on things that have no eternal values.

The word of God is clearly written that every man will give account for himself. No body will do it for you, your husband, wife, parents or friends will not do it for you because they won’t be there when you would be giving your report speech, they won’t be there when God would be marking your report card.

This is the reason why you must start seeking the things that are above, that’s why you must start seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness so that you can begin to live right to please God.

Never look at other man’s template to run your life because God has given everyman his or her own unique template to fulfil the purpose of his existence. What God requires from others maybe different from what He requires from you, and what God requires from you may also be different from what He requires from others as well. Destination maybe similar but pathways are different. You’re are who you are and nobody is you.

It’s God you will give account to not man, so be occupied with God’s love and services to His kingdom and humanity. Live right and live for what’s right, let all your actions and deeds be guided and sponsored by love, never stop seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness always, at the end, it will all worth it and great will be your reward.

Stay blessed

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