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The Redemption and Restoration Plan 

And God purposed that through (by the service, the intervention of) Him [the Son] all things should be completely reconciled back to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, as through Him, [the Father] made peace by means of the blood of His cross.
Colossians 1:20 AMPC.

When God created the Earth, He invested the totality of mankind in the first man, Adam. God gave Adam dominion over the earth and all that was in it (Genesis 1:26). The devil, in the form of a serpent, tempted Adam’s mate, Eve, to eat of the fruit of the tree that God had commanded Adam not to eat. She succumbed to this temptation, and when she offered the fruit to Adam, he also ate of it.

In this act of disobedience, Adam rejected God’s lordship over him. In effect,he put himself and his mate under the dominion of Satan. Because Adam represented all of mankind, this meant that all mankind would come under the dominion of Satan, and their ruler-ship of the Earth passed to him.

Losing dominion over the Earth was not the most tragic result of Adam’s transgression against God. The most tragic consequence was that Satan’s rebellious nature, called the “sin nature,” became a part of man’s nature. The sin nature spiritually separated mankind from God.

The Redemption Plan

Redemption means to free someone from bondage, to deliver, to rescue to save. It often involves the paying of a ransom, a price that makes redemption possible.

This idea is that one buys back that which was sold or lost to another. One then regains that which one once had.

God loved this handiwork of His so much that He gave us Jesus to be the bridge of our reconciliation back to Him.

What an awesome plan executed in an unexpected way to redeem us.

Christ redeemed us from eternal death, and by his death he paid the price for our redemption, a price we could never hope to pay ourselves. Through faith in Him we are redeemed and have eternal life.

The Restoration Plan

Restoration is the Returning of something that had been damaged or lost. To reinstate, to return back to its former condition and position. To bring something back to its original state.

The Cross made it possible for us to be restored and justfied. We are no longer defeated, we now posses our dominion and authority back by the reason of the cross.

We are no more condemned, we are no longer convicted, we are justified, we are now blameless before Him. God now accepts us as His own and we are now righteous before Him.

God now sees us the same way He saw man when He first created, him. Full of glory, honor and beauty.

Everything Jesus did from the cross to the grave, He did on man’s behalf as our substitute. He died, He arose from the dead and He defeated Satan in the pit of hell.

Jesus bought back for mankind everlasting redemption. He also made it possible for us to be overcomers in every situation of life through the operation of faith in the Bible as the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

God has played is own part by sending Jesus to the world to die for humanity so that we can live, Jesus has played his own part by obeying the father to go to the cross for the sake of you and I.

After these have all been done, is now left for you to fulfill your own part by accepting the gift of salvation by accepting Jesus.

Being born again, or saved, is the most important thing and decision in your life. You should know whether you are saved as well as you know your own name. If you are not sure about your salvation, I urge you to stop right now and clear this matter up. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Don’t let another minute go by!

If you would love to surrender to Jesus now or re-dedicate your life to Him, just say this prayer in faith;

Dear God, I come to You with a humble heart and with gratitude for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to take away my sin that I might have right-standing with You. I accept Jesus now as my Savior and Lord, and I turn from my past life to a renewed life in You through Him. Dear heavenly Father, I thank you now for accepting me as your child. You said in Your Word that if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I would be saved (Romans 10:9). I have just made this confession. I believe Your Word; I believe that I am now saved and I thank you for the gift of salvation and for accepting me as Your child. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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