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And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas. Luke 23:18.

The world has a way of rejecting what is extremely good and accepting what is morally bad. Jesus performed MANY miracles, signs and wonders. He fed them when they were hungry; He offered them hope when they were hopeless, he even healed them and forgives their sins, yet they rejected Him and accepted a criminal who was already condemned and heading towards destruction.

Isn’t it absurd for someone to choose a murderer over a savior and a life giver? That’s the kind of world we are today. Today’s world and its systems would rather choose what would damage their body, soul spirit and also lead to eternal destruction than choosing what will profit their body, soul and spirit and also give life in abundance.

The adversary has only three missions, to steal, kill or destroy but Jesus has come to give us life, and to give us life more abundantly. There is still grace for you today to choose Jesus so that you can have life and escape eternal destruction and condemnation. Accept His gift of love. John 10:10.

Beloved, God has given us the gift of salvation so that we can be saved, and He didn’t stopped there, He also gave us His Words and His spirit so that we can be guided on how to live a life of glory, victory and dominion.

Accept this gift of love today with gladness and begin to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. And if you are yet to surrender to the Lordship and authority of Jesus Christ, don’t delay in doing IT RIGHT AWAY so that you can have FULL access to your own gift of love that God has made available for you today.


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