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A Christian with a difference

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. 1 Peter 2:9.

It is of no surprise to anyone that we live in wicked times in which the worth of human life has been lost, where moral integrity has crumbled, and where innocence is trampled in a seemingly cultural way.

What is bad we call “good,” and what is good we call “bad.” We live in an era in which Christianity is persecuted more each day. We have gone from religious freedom and tolerance to a time of open persecution and aggression towards anyone who confesses Christ as the Lord of his or her life.

All Christian values today are being questioned and rejected by a society that only seeks not to hear that its conduct is displeasing to God. This generation only wants to hear what aligns with its carnal, selfish, and egocentric desires. Guillermo Maldonado. 

We have been brought out of darkness so that we can shine the light to our generation. Light can only shine in darkness, if there is no darkness, light would not be needed. So it is in darkness that lights shines and you are the light of the world so you must shine your light in this world.

Choosing darkness over light is a choice, choosing light over darkness is also a choice, and the choice is yours. Choosing to conform to the world and its systems is a choice, choosing to be a a peculiar Christian is also a choice as well. It’s you that will make up your mind to be peculiar and be different.

When you are in Christ, you’ve changed from the old man and transformed into a new person. When you’re in Christ you’re taking on Christ’s character and you begin to reflect His Heart and you instantly take on the Spiritual DNA of Christ. Choosing to conform to the world is a choice. When you are in Christ, you have the power to overcome the world’s way of doing things.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4.

You can’t be in God’s Kingdom and dress, act and talk the language of the world. Don’t conform yourself to the way the world reasons and talks. Never subscribe to their patterns and ideology. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind; train yourself to think and talk according to the Word of God!

You can’t be a peculiar Christian if Sundays are the only days that you feel a sense of belonging to the kingdom, everyday must be special for you to show the world that you belong to kingdom of light.

This days, is now hard to differentiate between the children of light and the children of this world because we have subscribed to their patterns and systems. Instead of them imitating us and looking like us, it is now us imitating to be like them, it’s an error for darkness to outshine light. We must teach the world how to do things in the right way and not the world teaching us how to get things done.

As a believer, you’re not only representing your family, church, institution or organizations, you’re representing an higher kingdom that have an higher authority over the world and its systems. You’re a kingdom ambassador, and if you must represent this kingdom, you must do it well.

If you want to be a Christian, be a peculiar one, Don’t be ashamed to shine forth the light of the kingdom you belong to because you’re the light of the world. Be a Christian that even unbelievers will pattern their lives after because they know that you’re the true light of the world and a Christian with a difference.

Stay Blessed.

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