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The life of a believer is life full of glory, color, virtues, beauty and power. Every believer has a tangible awesome amount of superior advantages compared to that of any natural man earth.

Walking in the consciousness of this revelational knowledge will give you a massive edge over all issues and circumstances of life and position you for a life of glory and power. Engaging in these mystery in this truth will help you commands outstanding results and makes you a sign and wonder to your generation.

  1. The Life of Christ in You

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17.

At the point of salvation, when accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you did not only give Him your life, you also received His life which is superior to any kind of life. There was an exchange of life and the life you received is the God kind of life which is called the Zoe life. Halleluyah!

Zoe life is the life and the very nature of God in you. Remember you have this life before in the beginning, but it was lost when the first man sinned, but Jesus redeemed it, bought it with is blood and restore you to your original state. So you now have the eternal life. You have the transcendent life of Christ that supersedes the natural. Halleluyah!

There is a song by Odunayo Adebayo, a Nigerian Gospel music minister, and I will advise you to download the song and play it over and over again. The title of the song is Zoe and the song goes thus:

“This life that I have
is the life of Christ in me,
this life that I have,
is the life of God.”

“I have Zoe I have Zoe
The Spirit of God
Lives inside of me
Zoe Zoe Zoe Zoe”.

Repeat after me and say, “I have the life of God, I have the God kind of life, and I exhibit the God kind of life”. Glory to God.

  1. The Word of God

‘And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. ‘ Acts 20:32.

Many people have not yet seen the bible which is the word of God as a powerful guide for a superior advantageous life. Many still doubt the efficacy of the word of God. No believer can ever live a life of dominion and victory without engaging in the ministry of the word.

In the building of faith, the word of God gives confidence that births audacious actions and by those actions, you see results that strengthen your faith. Pastor Paul Enenche.

The word of God is light, the word of God gives insight, the word of God gives illumination, the word of God gives revelation and the word of God is powerful.

Start engaging in the ministry of the word of God, meditate on it, confess it and act upon it, and you’ll begin to see unarguable and tremendous results.

  1. The Secret Place

‘He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. ‘ Psalm 91:1.

Another powerful advantage believers have is the place of communion, intimacy and prayer which is called the secret place. Someone once said that the secret of man is what he does in the secret.

The secret place is a spiritual place to abide, is a place of power, and is place of an affair between you and God. Men are made in the secret place. Vessels are made in the secret place.

The secret place is place of restoration, the secret place is place of illumination, the secret place is place of clear direction, the secret place is a place of refreshing, the secret place is a place of presenting your case before the courts of heavens, the secret place is a place of brokenness, the secret place to tame the flesh, the secret place is place where you find rest and comfort,  the secret place is place of refuge, your secret place, the secret place is place where you download firsthand information directly from the heavenly realm, the secret place is place of revival, the secret place is a place to find the mercy of God, the secret place is place where secrets are being revealed. A friends and lovers shares secret when they are together, the secret place is a place where God shares secret things. The secret place is place of power.

The secret place is very important for any believer who wants to live a life dominion and a superior advantageous life.

  1. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

‘And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. ‘ Luke 24:49

There is a song by Chris Delvan, a Nigerian preacher, please permit me if I make reference to Nigerians, though I came from Zion, the city of God, but I’m a noble Nigerian. The song goes thus:

“How can you walk when you don’t know the way of the wind
how can run when you don’t know the way of the spirit
how can you fly when you don’t know the way of the wind.
The power at work in You
bringing everything in obedience to Christ”.

“He is the Holy Ghost the spirit of the living God
He is the Holy Ghost the sceptre of the King of kings
He is the Holy Ghost the seal of the age to come
bringing everything in obedience to Christ”

The gift of salvation is the best gift God gave to the world, while the gift of the Holy Spirit is the best and priceless gift God gave to the church and you are part of the church because you are born of God.

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity of the God head which comprises of God the Father (Elohim, The eternal One), God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is not inferior to any of the God head, the Holy Spirit is God Himself.

The Holy Spirit is what empowers and transforms a man from the ordinary to the supernatural extraordinary. If you are yet to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, ask the Lord today and you’ll be baptized in Jesus name.

The Holy Spirit is very powerful; He is the One who can make every impossibility to become possible. The Holy Spirit in the life of a believer can never be compared to that of any man who has not yet received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the one who enables a man and assist him to fulfill his ministry and the purpose of his existence. It was when our Lord Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit then He began to fulfills the purpose of His calling. Acts 10:38.

The Holy Spirit is what makes the difference between an ordinary just man and a supernatural extraordinary man. Today I invite you to enjoy the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, these are 4 secrets for you to enjoy a life of glory, honour, beauty and power. Be conscious and meditate on this truth and watch your life become a sign and wonder to your generation.

Remain Ever Blessed.

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